Lavender at Midnight by Sheri42
A Bit of My Day, Art Blog, Floral Delights

New Floral Delights Patterns

A Bit of My Day

I spent the day organizing some of my Affinity Designer designs and finishing the patterns. I’d found a few I had not backed up — in both Procreate and Affinity Designer, which is surprising. My ritual is to save every design when I’ve finished the days’ work on it. I probably put them in the wrong folder– not noticing where the ‘save to’ was.

I often create works and then let them sit without uploading them. I found the blog post for my work on learning Affinity Designer for the designs I had not backed up.

I liked three of them so well, I decided today was the day to upload a few of my designs. The three florals are made in Affinity Designer; the poppy and lemons in Procreate.

Floral Delights Collection on Red Bubble

I added these first six designs in the image above, the first three from my Affinity work. I ordered a dress and six shirts with those six designs. My wardrobe is basically from Red Bubble!


And a little recap from yesterday: I uploaded to Spoonflower my Lemon Collection:

Lemon and Ladybug Collection on Spoonflower by Sheri42

A Lesson

It takes time to finalize and upload our artwork to POD [Print on Demand] sites, but get it done! It really helps to get noticed and it feels great to see one’s art published and available for others to enjoy! So get to work! Upload!

Floral Delights with stargrass, lemons and poppies

#warmup4art, cldoodle24, lemonPortfolio Projectsrepeating patterns #limitedpalette #floraldelights

#findyourstyle #findyourthing #redbubble #spoon flower 

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