A decaying fence lined with lichen covered and aged wagon wheels beside a magical garden of small ground cover beneath giant, round leaves on long stems with trees in the background
Daily Create, Poetry, The Daily

Daily Create The Secret Garden

Daily Create and Poetry

Daily Create Prompt: #clmooc #DS106  @ds106dc   #tdc3970 A photo that goes with a book. I chose The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett and found this lovely secret garden we discovered by stopping at a restaurant some where on Washington State Highway 20, and stepping into the back garden, this marvelous and magical garden surprised and mesmerized us. Look at those leaves!

And so… a poem

A Secret Garden

A rickety fence
forgotten wagon wheels
spokes lichen filled
a step through a tilted picket
through a dense, green thicket
finds a wondrous unkept garden
a lost untended yard and
now a secret garden.

Sheri Edwards
11.26.22 331.365.22
A decaying fence lined with lichen covered and aged wagon wheels beside a magical garden of small ground cover beneath giant, round leaves on long stems with trees in the background
on Flickr

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