Place settings of various plates ready for a holiday meal with candle glowing
Poetry, The Daily

Ready and Thankful

Place settings of various plates ready for a holiday meal with candle glowing
on Flickr

Daily Note

Every day, a photograph, a poem. In 2019– before the days of Covid, this Christmas Day table setting awaited our prepared meal from PKs— prepared turkey dinner, salads, veggies, pie, and more. Just pop into the oven or dishes and a delicious meal is ready for us, two old farts glad to still be around and thankful for the food, the shelter, the warmth and all the little things that make even a meal for just the two of us special.

I remember the holidays with Jake– the Safeway prepared holiday meals we cooked up in his kitchen to add a little festivity to his usually difficult days. We celebrated together with memories and pain that held us hoping, always, for better days. A little tree, some candles, lots of arts and crafts and videos and video games and conversation and stories. I so miss his humor and perceptive insights. I miss the angel and the rascal that was him.

I am thankful for the memories. These are not in the poem, but they are within the poem’s memories.

Ready And Thankful

Thankful for the little things,
embellishments so memories ring
festive lights and places set
warming glows we won’t forget.

Sheri Edwards
12.23.22 358.365.22

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