January Winter Day near North Dam Park; frost and snow covers the landscape; fog descends from the basalt walls in the distance
Poetry, The Daily

Winter’s Gift

January Winter Day near North Dam Park; frost and snow covers the landscape; fog descends from the basalt walls in the distance
On Flickr

Daily Note

Every day, a photograph, a poem. On a walk in January, 2022, this disappearing horizon on a cold, frosty, snow-covered landscape reminded me of how I once hated winter— its’ cold and treacherous ice and wind. But now I hope for snow that stays and falls all winter, to add moisture to this semi-arid landscape, to protect from the blistering heat and wildfires of the summer fire season.

Winter’s Gift

Once, the winter I would dread
For the cold and ice it spread
Now, the winter I embrace
For lost water, snow will replace.

Sheri Edwards
01.09.23 009.365.23

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