moon over basalt coulee walls in Grand Coulee, Wa January 27, 2023, 3:44 PM
A Bit of My Day, Daily Create, Family Inspired, Poetry, The Daily

WriteOut Ode to the Moon

moon over basalt coulee walls in Grand Coulee, Wa
January 27, 2023, 3:44 PM

Daily Create WriteOut

The Daily Create joined WriteOut* again today with another prompt: an ode to the moon:

An ode is a formal-sounding poem that indicates respect or love for something. Write a short ode to the Moon.

Daily Create


Last January 27th, on one of our daily walks near Steamboat Rock State Park, the moon graced us with its light as the afternoon sun dimmed, about 3:44 PM. So I snapped this picture of frozen coulee walls of the upper Grand Coulee and the clear blue winter sky dotted with a near half-moon. The National Park Service shares Ice Age Floods of Change, including Ice Age Floods National Geological Trail to explain the geology of this area, including these coulee walls of basalt from ancient lava flows millions of years ago, carved out thousands of years ago by Missoula Ice Age Floods. This photo was taken on that trail on Banks Lake near Grand Coulee, WA.

As I chose my photo today of an outdoor adventure, I remember how stunning this was– that bright moon in the late afternoon sky about the crumbling, grass-lined layers of basalt rising five hundred feet above us. Both showing how insignificant we are, and yet we, in our smallness, understand the beauty and ever-onward motion of the universe we live in.

To learn about the moon and its phases, see this NASA page about the moon.

And so my poem would be about this ageless moon shining down upon us.


Oh, Moon

Ages older than your basalt coulee walls,
I rise and will rise through eons
in the afternoons in the cold of winter
as sister sun slowly dims its day light
asking me to guide you
with sister’s light
so you hold
the blessing
of the light
of day.

Sheri Edwards
10.14.23 287.365.23

moon over basalt coulee walls in Grand Coulee, Wa
January 27, 2023, 3:44 PM
Moon over the coulee wall in Grand Coulee, WA
on Flickr

#clmooc #smallpoems #poetry23 #writeout #ode #odetothemoon #couleewalls 


This post is part of the October WRITEOUT adventure, October 8 through the 22nd, partnership of the National Writing Project and the National Park Service — a choice to enjoy the outdoors with poetry, prose, and parks for Write Out 2023. Organized as a public invitation to get out and create, supported by a series of free online activities, Write Out invites educators, students, and families to explore national parks and other public spaces. The goal is to connect and learn through place-based writing and sharing.  Check out this infographic for the flow of the two weeks.

Learn more and sign up:

This is my sixth year with WriteOut with all my WriteOut posts here.

Cross post from What Else

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