Pet Portrait of Sugar, my grandson's dog by Sheri42
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Pet Portrait Sugar

Pet Portrait of Sugar, my grandson's dog by Sheri42
Sugar, on Flickr

Inspiration for the Pet

Today is one of my grandson’s birthday. When he was very young, in second grade, I think, he wrote his parents a letter, begging them for a dog. And so Sugar was adopted– the brown one in the photo:

Sugar [front] and friend [behind]
Sugar [front]

Since he is now twenty-two and towers above everybody, I thought I’d remind him of his request and the pet dog he loves dearly by creating a birthday card with a pet portrait of Sugar.

Inspiration for the Style

I decided to combine two styles, the contour drawing style I learned from Cardwell and Ink, and the watercolor style of Sandra Mejia, both of whom taught classes on Skillshare.

See my Skillshare watercolor project here, and the Cardwell and Ink project here to see how I adapted the styles for the pet portrait.

See also the lessons learned from these two artists:

Sandra: WrapUp Project Progress

Cardwell and Ink WrapUp Contour Tulips

I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out, and, of course, I turned it into a birthday card with greeting on the illustration. What do you think?

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