Art Techniques, Home Brights

Little Things



Recently, I needed to leave town for a family emergency, but my neighbors jumped right in to care for the new kitten. It’s the little things in life that make life joyful.

So I created this design on coaster at Zazzle for my neighbors, because this is true:

Art: it can show appreciation and gratitude in small ways — the little things.

Thank you neighbors.

About the art:

My neighbors create beautiful landscaped yards with brightly colored flowers in beds, posts, and gnome-laced features. They are much better than we are with yard work. So I imagined a series of unique pots with wildflowers that bloom in differing shapes and sizes.

I drew in Sketchbook Pro on the iPad. I set my canvas as 7700 px by 7700 px. I outline in black and fill in the details or flower buds, using the same shapes and strokes as when I paint with gouache. I work in layers– the pots first. I draw, color, and arrange the pots in one layer and add the details [designs] for each pot in different layers. When all layers are finished, I merge them together. I then fill in the “dirt.” Next I begin more layers for each flower: each stem with leaves and each wildflower in separate layers. When they match just right for a wildflower effect, I merge the layers.

Next, I add the text and my signature [hidden in the orange pot].

Finally, I make the background transparent, so the design only is exported as a .png for upload to my art projects.

My art is not perfect, but it is fun to create, look at ,and give away.


For more art in this design, see Society6 or RedBubble


Bag at Society6


Zip Pouch at RedBubble



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