Columnar basalt of the ancient lava flows of the Columbia Plateau
Poetry, The Daily

From the Car Window

Columnar basalt of the ancient lava flows of the Columbia Plateau
On Flickr

Daily Note

Every day, a photograph, a poem. On our drive home from a family gathering again, we passed along the Columbia River and out my car window [shadow] were the amazing basalt columns of the Columbia Plateau, towering towards the sky in perfect hexagon and pentagonal shapes that took a hundred years to cool! This day, they seemed to be the walls of a castle.

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And so, a poem.

From the Car Window

Sunday, on our drive home,
Stone castles rose in pentagon columns
Row by row stacked to the sky
Ages ago, when lava flowed
Before the river, left, below
Carved its way ‘round its form
And man in his busy-ness
Paved this road, our way home.

Sheri Edwards
03.05.23 064.365.23

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