Guthrie and I on the top of the hill by Crescent Bay Lake
A Bit of My Day, Poetry, The Daily

Hello from the top of the hill

Guthrie and I on the  top of the hill by Crescent Bay Lake

Daily Note

Guthrie and I climbed to the top of the hill and the top of the boulder where I could sit and rest a bit. The sun shone brightly today, a wonderful day for being on top of the world, looking down on Crescent Bay Lake, behind us:

Crescent Bay Lake reflection on a sunny February Day, 2024

That part of the day was wonderful with Guthrie running twenty miles to my slow mile, as usual. But Guthrie has his quirks, and we don’t know quite what to make of them. He’s a rescue dog; one year old. We do not know what his situation was before, but he gets weird notions in his head and becomes stubborn and untrusting, though always kind and gentle.

Today, after a long hour and a half adventure for him filled with running and playing and searching and sniffing, he would not get in the car and he would not come to me when I called. But he would not venture far away, staying just within sight. I tried many times over two hours to get him into the car. He’d start and then run away a few yards.

I waited in the car. I drove up the hill with him following me. I drove over to the boat ramp with him following me. I drove back to Crescent Bay, with him following me. He must have been exhausted, but still, he would not get in the car.

Finally, after dark, Scott called. He was still working, but he came to try himself, bringing turkey with him. Scott had no luck either. Finally we drove to the entrance of the park with Guthrie behind us, we thought. But when we got out to call him and entice him into the car, we could hear him howling back at the inlet.

Scott drove down and tried again. He’d whine at us, wanting to be with us, but something in his mind would not let him jump into either car. It’s just so weird. And we can’t get angry at him, because he doesn’t know what’s wrong either.

So Scott drove back up the hill, making sure Guthrie followed. We tried again and again. Finally, I took bits of turkey and through at him, which he gobbled up. By now he was hungry and exhausted. It’s pitch black except for the stars we could finally see on a clear sky, something we haven’t enjoyed for weeks, and couldn’t really enjoy now, with our funny dog in one of his weird moods.

Next, I tried to entice him into Scott’s rig by through bits of turkey onto the seat. He’d almost get up, and then ran off again. It’s quite a leap for him — easy — but still a big jump into the Ford Ranger.

So, I dangled the turkey in front of him over to my van, which is an easy hop for him and he can see clearly what’s there from the ground. I through a few pieces in one by one. He’d think about jumping up and then walk back and forth. Finally, he peered in at the turkey and hopped up to eat. I closed the door. We had our furry friend back.

So, five hours after leaving the house for a hike with Guthrie, we finally made it home. And we’re still not sure what gets into his mind. At home, he nudged me for pets and hugs, like he always does, as if nothing had happened. He did his favorite thing and stole one of Scott’s socks. Again, a normal thing and as if we hadn’t just spent three and a half hours outside trying to get him into the car. Sigh. It’s not easy adopting a dog.

So let’s focus on the positive, and a poem of greetings from Guthrie and me to you on what was a glorious, sunny hike.



Atop the hill, Guthrie and I smile, “Hi!”
And welcome the sun shining high in the sky!

Sheri Edwards
02.12.24 043.365.24
Guthrie and I on the  top of the hill by Crescent Bay Lake and the poem
on Flickr

#smallpoems #clmooc  #poetry24 #greetingsfromthetopofthehill #furryfriend

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