Art Blog, Artist Gems, Review, Thank You, WarmUps

Wednesday Wrap Up Mushrooms

Thanks to Jennifer Nichols The Mushroom Projects for October

A Bit of My Day, Art Blog, Artist Gems, Review, Thank You, WarmUps

What does art making mean?

Art is for's creating something that did not exist before-- something from nothing that betters the world

A Bit of My Day, Artist Gems, Review, Thank You, WarmUps

Wednesday WrapUp An Art Reflection

A reflection of my journey with gratitude for my artist friends and teachers

Art Techniques, Artist Gems, Brushes In Action, Review, Thank You, WarmUps

Wednesday WrapUps FebDoodle Owl and Fox

Forest Friends and Replays

Art Techniques, Artist Gems, Brushes In Action, Review, Thank You, WarmUps

Wednesday Wrap Up Mid Century Style

a style as simple and as complex as you choose...

Art Techniques, Review, WarmUps

Wednesday WarmUp Floral Resources

Resources For You: Teachers, Books, Courses