moss in the rocks on our daily walk-- a small world
A Bit of My Day, Art For You, Doodle, Poetry, The Daily

Ant Marathon

photo-doodle of ant marathon in the moss by rocks and poem

same photo of daffodil buds, one with a doodled blossom
A Bit of My Day, Art Blog, Art Techniques, Doodle, Poetry, The Daily

P24 Anticipation

Despite the slow buds and lingering cold, doodling a daffodil keeps hope alive.

I doodled on the mushrooms in a darkened photo to create a night scene fairy world
A Bit of My Day, Art Blog, Art Techniques, Doodle, Poetry, The Daily

P24 A What If

what if… a coexistence of "wee folk" with our nightly routines and dreams

Photo doodle: horse becomes unicorn with colorful gear with a rainbow / heart theme standing in front of a rainbow
A Bit of My Day, Art Blog, Art Techniques, Artist Gems, Doodle, The Daily

Fun with Photo Doodles

photo doodles inspired by Lisa Bardot