The blooms on our Hawthorn tree.
Poetry, The Daily

Small Delight

The blooms on our Hawthorn tree.
On Flickr

Daily Note

Every day, a photograph, a poem. Considering the horrible situation a block west of us on Ferry Street, I am thankful for our small hawthorn tree— a delight in the spring with its lovely, small, pink blossoms. This tree replaces one that fell over in a windstorm and the city thankfully replaced it. Trees add value and beauty to our neighborhoods— they absorb pollution and noise and provide much needed shade, even the small ones like this one.

And so, a poem.


Small Delight

Dressed in floral pink for all of May
Our hawthorn blooms, small delight each day.

Sheri Edwards
05.16.23 137.365.23
Poetry/Photography [See-Frame-Focus]

The blooms on our Hawthorn tree.

And next to it, this cherry tree:

Our cherry tree in bloom with rugged branch and pale pink, but bright blossoms.

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